We are a friendly community of local people, learning to trust and follow Jesus together.
We host different groups and activities for the people of Stapleton during the week.
And we gather on Sunday mornings in the church building with the spire at the top of Bell Hill.
We are part of the Church of England, and we worship together in different styles – some more traditional and some more contemporary – so that more people can feel at home worshiping Jesus together in Stapleton each week.
Everyone is welcome.
Keeping everyone safe
Safeguarding is an absolute priority at Holy Trinity. Our safeguarding policy applies to every area of church life, with a particular focus on the safety of children and vulnerable adults.
If you have any concerns or questions around issues of safety or possible risks of abuse, or if you would like to learn more about our safeguarding measures and policies, please contact our parish safeguarding officer, Sheena Helyer on 07766 708396. (Please note – this number is only to be used to discuss questions of safeguarding – for all other enquiries please use the contact details further down this page. Thank you.)
You can also access resources and advice direct from the Diocese of Bristol safeguarding team.
New(ish) Vicar
Rev Vicky Wicks is now working with a growing team to lead Holy Trinity into this next chapter of church life.
She and her husband Rob moved to Stapleton from St Michael’s Church, Stoke Gifford.
Vicky’s passion is for people to feel welcome, to meet Jesus and to find a place to belong. Lots of her work for the church seems to involve sharing good food.
Worship at Holy Trinity
Traditional worship
0830 every Sunday morning in the church building.
A simple, traditional gathering for worship.
Morning Prayer on the first Sunday of the month.
Holy Communion on all other Sundays.
At the moment we don’t have music in this service but, as we grow, we hope to introduce some traditional sung worship together.
Contemporary worship for all ages
1030 every Sunday in the church building.
A mix of songs, readings, learning, sharing and praying together.
We start our worship with everyone together, usually including a song and participation for all ages.
Then we all go to our different parts of church, with games, stories and activities for children and an engaging talk for the grownups.
On the first Sunday of the month the grownups share communion in their part of this gathering.
Messy Church
For children of all ages and their families.
1600 on the second Friday of each month in Stapleton church hall.
Fun, food, games, friendship, stories and songs together.
It’s church, but not as you know it.
Activities at Holy Trinity
Youth Pasta Night
Tuesdays evenings during term time for secondary school aged people.
We eat delicious pasta, play games, and talk about Jesus.
If you are (or you know) a secondary school aged person that might like to join in then please get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
Stay and Play
A weekly group for pre-school children 0-4 years with their carers.
Every Friday in term time.
1000-1130 in the church hall.
Ukraine Hub
Support for Ukranians in Stapleton. We gather for a meal once a month on a Monday from 1700 to 1900 in the church hall. We share time together and provide details of services and organisations that help Ukranians settle into the UK. If you are Ukrainian, or you know someone who would value this kind of support please get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
Singing group
Each Sunday morning, as we gather in the church building for our 1030 service, the singing group performs a selection of songs and hymns for about 15 minutes. The singers practise each Wednesday evening at 7pm in the church vestry (a small rehearsal room at the back of the church). Newcomers are always welcome to join in. Under 12s should please be accompanied by an adult. Chat with any of the singers on a Sunday morning to find out more.
Messy Church
For children of all ages and their families.
1600 on the second Friday of each month in Stapleton church hall.
Fun, food, games, friendship, stories and songs together.
It’s church, but not as you know it.
We regularly gather to pray as a church family. And the church building is open for quiet and prayer from 1000 to 1600 on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and all day on Sundays.
We are always glad to pray for each other at Holy Trinity Church. If you would like someone to pray for you, or for someone you care for, please get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of this page, or come along to any of our regular gatherings.
The church building
Our beautiful church building has welcomed people from all walks of life for worship, prayer and growing community together since it was built in 1857.
As well as our regular times of worship the building is open to visitors and those who wish to pray from 10am to 4pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and all day on Sundays.

Lighting the spire
Holy Trinity Church can be seen on the skyline from across the city of Bristol. When the spire is lit it’s even more visible!
If you would like to have the spire lit for a special occasion – to mark an anniversary for example – we can light it on your specified date. There’s a small charge for this and all proceeds go towards caring for the church building.
Please get in touch using the contact details at the bottom of this page.
New website under construction
We will be designing a new website to help us share lots of information about the life of the church community here in Stapleton.
Thank you for your patience as we plan, gather, write, photograph, edit and layout all the most helpful content.
This holding page presents outline information of our life as a church family. If there’s anything else you would like to know, please get in touch using the contact details below.
Contact us
Find out more about life at Holy Trinity Stapleton.
Book the church hall, plan a wedding or a baptism or a funeral.
Or for anything else – we’d love to hear from you.
Phone us
You can ring us at Holy Trinity Church and one of our administrators will respond as soon as they can.
07380 570547
Message us
The best way to get in touch is using this contact form.
Your details will be directed to the right person as quickly as possible.
Find us
Holy Trinity Church
Park Road
BS16 1AR
Stapleton Church Hall
23 Park Road
BS16 1AZ